Departing aspect (astrology)

In astrology, a departing aspect (also known as a separating aspect) is an astrological aspect made when a faster moving planet, the significator, is moving in a backward or clockwise direction away from the slower moving planet, or promittor. A departing aspect occurs when a planet is retrograde, which means that from the perspect of the Earth it appears to move backward across the zodiac. When a planet goes retrograde it has a different influence than when it is direct, so whenever it makes an aspect to another planet while in retrograde motion its significance will not be a straightforward matter. In all likelihood, the aspect will be fraught with complications and unforeseeable events, which will be made clear only when the planet resumes its direct motion across the zodiac. Some astrologers see a departing aspect as fatalistic in nature.

A departing aspect also occurs when the Aspecting planet is moving away from the planet being aspected, which can only happen when the aspecting planet is moving faster than the aspected planet.

See also

A separating aspect [departing aspect] is one in which the faster-moving of the two planets, having already perfected the aspect, moves away or separates from the aspect. It indicates something which has already taken place or which has already been accomplished and is not subject to change. Separating aspects are generally considered weaker than applying aspects, which show future events or things not yet completed, and whose potential energy is building. In the case where the swifter of the two planets moves away from aspect with a retrograde planet, the aspect is said to be mutually separating: the things, events, or people symbolized by the two planets act as if in revulsion of each other, hurry away from each other, and are not to be reconciled.